Your full name:Strahinja
Your Real life age:14
Name of the character you're doing application for?:Holia
Why do you wish to join Sacred?:Cuz it has an uber name just kidding cuz I like the raids you do and I think the guild has ambition!
Do you know any players in sacred very well?:Only Whammy I know in wow
Your current specc:41/0/20 ele hit cap speec/
Armory link:
Wich guild have you been in and why did you leave/Get kicked?:Iw been in Masquerade its felling a part,in alacirty the progres was bad.
Have you done any previous applications that've not got respose yet (If so you can stop filling this out)?:no.
Would you do a respecc if we would like so?:Yes to resto but not for 25 mans only 10 mans.
Are you able to raid from 18.00-23.00?:YES
Whats your raiding expirience?:KZ,ZA,Gl,TK,SSC and pre TBC AQ 20 and MC.
How active are you? ( try to describe and, please dont only write ''very active'' ) :VERY ACTIVE xD.4h a day and come to raids almost always!
Are you willing 2 wipe alot for trying 2 get down a new boss?:Yes if I see that the people are trying
Wich kind of attunements do you got?:KZ
And tell abit about yourself as player or anything else you wish 2 tell uss:Im an active,pro player even If I am 14 whammy can vouch for that I hope
I can raid always so Im the ele with you I can bring you all the xp in raids you need and Im good geared also so inv me and you wont regret it!Hope I cya soon in guild!P.S. If I get accepted I leve guild Masquerade and join Please check out my apply soon