Your full name: Johan Brandt
Your Real life age: 17 and mature
Gender: Male
Nationality: Sweden
Name of the character you're doing application for?: Spellsteal
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Why do you wish to join Sacred?: Got a few friends in it and it is a good guild.
Do you know any players in sacred very well?: The one i suppose i know most is Whammybar and Péwpew.
Your current specc: 40 / 21 / 0 Can change. Arcane / Fire / Frost
Armory link:
Wich guild have you been in and why did you leave/Get kicked?: Alacrity and Sentenced, To few members online. (no acvtive players)
Would you do a respecc if we would like so?: Yes ofc.
Are you able to raid from 18.00-23.00?: Yes.
Whats your raiding expirience?: Kara / gruul / magtheridon and SSC
How active are you?: I am playing almost everyday, around 4hours+ on friday, saturday and sunday i play around 10 hours a day.
Are you willing 2 wipe alot for trying 2 get down a new boss?: Always, repairs isnt any problem
Wich kind of attunements do you got?: Good i suppose.
And tell abit about yourself as player or anything else you wish 2 tell uss: I understand all new things very fast (quick learner).