Your full name: tim aerts
Your Real life age: 16
Name of the character you're doing application for?: liquator
Race: Tauren
Class: druid
Why do you wish to join Sacred?: I want to continue in raiding have done gruul maggy kara many times and wanne do ssc tk and all sorts of those raids. and have a good time with a m8 of mine whos in that guild
Do you know any players in sacred very well?: Johnny
Your current specc: 1 / 49 / 11 ( feral tanking )
Armory link:
Wich guild have you been in and why did you leave/Get kicked?: Inifdels .. couse they never got anywere besides a kara or a gruul run
Have you done any previous applications that've not got respose yet (If so you can stop filling this out)?: no
Would you do a respecc if we would like so?: yes of course
Are you able to raid from 18.00-23.00?: yes
Whats your raiding expirience?:
kara gruul Za maggy bit of ssc and tk
How active are you? ( try to describe and, please dont only write ''very active'' ) :
Semi active : online everyday for a couple of hours and online an hour before the raids start to join them .. doing a lot of heroics for badges .. .and a little pvp once in a while
Wich kind of attunements do you got?:
since the new patch those arent needed any more
but i do have all the herioc keys
Hope this was answering enough and hope to see you guys soon